Friday, November 11, 2011

Hello Winter?

Well, here's a pic with all the caps that I contributed to the cemo cap drive for Breast Cancer Awareness month with the exception of the green one. I am not good at remembering to take pictures.

On the scarf that I was knitting up for my sister's birthday, I will blocking tonight and will upload a picture as soon as it is blocked up.

I took a queue from the Yarn Harlot and decided to take inventory of all my yarn and unfinished objects (all started with good intentions). I am going to create kits for myself with a copy of the patterns that I will go with the yarn. I think organization is the key in figuring out what you have, what you can donate, sell, etc. That also gave me the idea to go through my sewing / quilting projects that still need to get finished or started. I will do inventory on all my fabric, set up kits and schedule them for completion or sell kits on my etsy site (which still needs inventory).

Why this sudden desire to sweep through everything? I need to get a sense of what I have so I don't go out and purchase more unless it's a necessity. All this to be a responsible steward of the resources the good Lord has put in my care to manage. Our church is doing a campaign to help members of our church who are really in desperate times and it make me appreciate all that I have already. I love giving because the gift of giving far out weighs receiving.

I hope anyone who reads this blog takes inventory of all that you have instead of being sad of what you don't have or want. I think you'll find you have a lot to be thankful for.

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