Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Created my own printable triangle template!

I am currently working on a table runner for a wedding gift (Will show finished project hopefully this Saturday). I have been super busy and not been able to go to my local quilt store. Also, I'm pretty tight on money. As a designer I have Adobe Illustrator at my disposal so I calculated my own triangle block that I can print and then sew my blocks.
If you would like to download and use it for yourself, please go to my online store on Etsy.

I plan on making more printable triangles for 8", 6", 5", 3",  and 2" blocks soon.

Has it been 3 years?

Oh dear. I have seriously neglected my creative blog. But let me catch you up to what has been happening (in bullet points):
  • Got caught up in a whirlwind of remodeling of my condo in Illinois and getting it rented out
  • Moved back to my home state of Northern Virginia in 2013
  • Got laid off in June 2014 while working remotely for my company
  • Got a new job August 2014 and had to move again twice 
    • first time because my new apartment had a serious toxic mold problem
    • second time because the apartment had a serious roach infestation
  • September 2014 to present has just been high paced involving a lot of downsizing of clutter and reorganizing my life
After I went through reorganizing my quilting projects and knitting/crochet projects, I finally decided to do nothing but finish UFOs (unfinished objects) that I either forgot I had or just never got around finishing.

I will be posting the finished objects that I have so far sometime this week.

Till then, have a great day!